Thank You

Should you write a handwritten thank you note? Absolutely! It’s always lovely to receive a handwritten note and this somehow seems ‘warmer’ and more personal. However, real life doesn’t always require this formality. In certain situations, a phone call or text to let the host know how much you enjoyed yourself or how happy you are with the gift will suffice.

But there’s more to the eye than a quick thank you! Can you use emojis when sending a thank you text message? (Yes) Is it old fashioned to write a letter and post it?  (No) Is it too easy to send a quick message instead of writing? (No) How long to wait before saying thanks? (asap)

It can be a minefield! There are so many factors involved when it comes to saying thank you after you have attended an event or received a gift.

Here are a few useful tips to saying thank you, no matter what the reason or method you choose:

We suggest some  simple steps to wording any thank you message, whether by letter or direct message:

  1. Start with a great opening sentence to introduce your thank you. ‘It was so great to see you yesterday… we had so much fun!’

  2. Thank – use the words ‘thank you’, this conveys appreciation. Acknowledge the occasion or gift.

  3. Compliment – add a personal touch. Say how much you enjoyed the event, how much you loved the gift or how you plan to use it. This shows a real sign of appreciation.

Text messages? Emojis? Yes! Go for it, as long as you know your host! Obviously not appropriate in every circumstance but the important ‘takeaway’ is to say the words ‘thank you’. The most important tip is acknowledgement. However you choose to do it, you should always show gratitude. No matter how you choose to do it, just do it!

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